Discover street-tested, tried-and-true secrets for unearthing mind-blowing talent worldwide... 
without wasting another dime.
Between 2012 and 2015, I spent $89,791 of my own money hiring talent around the world... now you can too.
Top sites include...
Kristen Schuerlein Ferry
Hiring Freelancers since 1996,
Hiring Online since 2012
"In less than 1 hour I can teach you the exact step-by-step process I use to hire talent around the world so you can grow your business, fast!"
The Power of Outsourcing
Imagine your productivity skyrocketing...

Delegating routine tasks that tie up your time...

Getting things done you don't know how to do...

Finally getting your wish-list projects complete.

Master the art of hiring online and watch your business launch to the next level.
Learn From A Seasoned Pro
The learning curve for hiring online can be steep (and expensive), unless you know what you are doing.

Between 2012 and 2015 I hired talent for over 190 jobs, in two of my businesses and spent $89,791 of my own money with Elance, now Upwork.

As a result, I've developed an iron-clad, step-by-step process for finding and hiring world-class talent around the globe.

Now, I've condensed everything I've learned into a simple to understand guide filled with practical tips and tricks to go from a nervous novice to a extreme expert in no time.
Guarantee Your Success
Sites like and are so easy to use you can have your first job posted in minutes.

Unfortunately, ease of use doesn't mean you'll attract high quality talent at the price that fits your budget.

Let's be honest, attracting low-quality, inexperienced talent who aren't a fit for your project is a waste of time.

Guarantee your success by having an expert show you exactly how to find the perfect talent for you...

Everything you need inside The Essential Quick Start Guide To Hiring Online Like A Seasoned Pro.
"This quick start guide is awesome. No fluff, nothing hard, just straight forward information that will get you hiring the kind of expert help you need, quickly. Kristen's guide is so simple to follow and it covers everything about hiring online."
Bill Gray
Founder, Host Me Plus
What kinds of talent can you find online?
From accounting to blogging to research... and everything in between... the world is filled with talent!
Job: Blogger
Proposals: $7.67 to $49.32/hr
Hired: $16/hr
Job: Forensic Accountant
Proposals: $3.29 to $71.23/hr
Hired: $71.23/hr
Job: Word Press Expert
Proposals: $5.48 to $55/hr
Hired @ $55/hr
Job: Online Marketing Expert
Proposals: $18.63 to $65.75/hr
Hired: 65.75/hr
Job: YouTube Strategist
Proposals: $25 to $50/hr
Hired: $50/hr
Job: Word Press Responsive Theme
Proposals: $9.86 to $40/hr
Hired: $25/hr
Job: Research Office Space Rents
Proposals: $3.29 to $6/hr
Hired @ $6/hr
Job: Convert Keynote into Word Doc
Proposals: $5.48 to $20/hr
Hired: $10.96/hr
Ready? Post Your Project & Hire With Confidence, Today
Discover my tried and true Candidate Evaluation process... it's included too!
Inside The Essential Quick Start Guide To Hiring Online Like A Seasoned Pro you will find...
  • The 3 vital components to Crafting A Winning Job Post; without them finding great freelancers can be hit or miss
  • The #1 Success Strategy, including the exact language I use to attract, evaluate and select the perfect hire for any job.
  • 6 Best Practices for building long-term relationships online (and what not to do).
  • 9 Components of a killer Job Post, and why they are critical to your success.
  • 4 Fail Safe Ways to evaluate freelancers so you hire right the first time.
  • Plus 3 Game-Changer Bonuses...
Bonus #1
5 Do's and Don't's of Hiring (Save yourself hours of time and thousands of dollars)
Bonus #2
Tips & Tricks To Become An Outsource Expert (Get the right talent doing the right things)
Bonus #3
Actual Job Posts with Hiring Stats (See my actual post details, and what I paid per hour)
Get Your Copy of The Essential Quick Start Guide To Hiring Online Like A Seasoned Pro for 90% Off Retail Now.
Instant PDF Download
30+ info-packed pages
100% Risk-Free Money
Back Guarantee
Get 90% off $295
and make a one-time payment of only $29.50
Why on Earth would I offer this guide for 90% off? There is very specific set of reasons. Find out for yourself, here.
Letter From The Outsource Expert
Have you ever secretly wondered “What if I get screwed?”
If you're like me, that's the first thing you think when someone suggests hiring online. Like you, there was a time when I couldn’t imagine working with people I would never meet, or be able contact if there was a problem.

What if they don’t understand what I want?
What if they are hard to work with?
And the biggie: What if they take my money and run?

I don’t want to look stupid.
I don’t want to be taken advantage of.
I don’t want my trust betrayed.

So, instead I ignored the possibility of hiring freelancers... until I didn't have a choice. The success of my company was on the line.
Becoming An Expert
I've hired freelancers around the world. To say I embraced the idea at first would be a gross exaggeration. While I wasn't initially convinced I would be able to figure it out, yet alone not get screwed, I jumped in and started hiring both overseas and in the US.

As a result I've hired for over 160+ jobs from simple copy editing to extensive accounting work, and web development to building Keynote presentations.

In the beginning, outsourcing was the key to running my start up company from the middle of nowhere in New Mexico. Today, it allows me to work from home minutes from the ocean without the burden of overhead and daily obligations that come with employees.

Month in and month out I hire online. As a result, I've developed a specific process for finding, evaluating and hiring online.

Once you understand the formula for successfully hiring online, you'll find yourself hiring more and more. You'll be delegating to free up your time and tackling new, profitable projects that you never thought you'd have time for once you learn to leverage freelancers to your advantage.

Between 2012 and 2015, I've invested well over $80,000 hiring team members online, and I am still going strong. Simply said; our businesses would not be alive without it.

If you are ready to grow your business with the help of freelancers, then this guide is for you. Buy it, read it and put my tried and true process to the test.

If you aren't 100% satisfied, simply send me an email (instructions will come with your purchase) and you will be fully refunded. All I ask is for constructive feedback and your ideas on how I can make the Quick Start Guide better.


Let's do this,
Kristen Schuerlein Ferry
The Outsoruce Expert
P.S. I am not kidding about my 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee. Give the Guide a try, you have nothing to lose... and your freedom to gain!
Why on Earth would I offer this guide for 90% off?
Short answer #1.
I can.

Short answer #2.
I want too.

Long answer #1.
It's good for you.

Truth is, this guide will both save you money and make you money.

When you know exactly how to hire both here and abroad, your ability to scale your business increases exponentially, and that's good for everyone.

I know from personal experience.

When you apply the process I show you in this guide it will pay for itself over and over and over.

It will save you time (that's money) by eliminating the learning curve for finding and hiring great talent.

It will save you money when you hire right, the first time.

And it will make you money by leveraging others to build your business.

The Essential Quick Start Guide To Hiring Online Like A Seasoned Pro is my cornerstone offer. It is the foundation of an intensive program that I am developing in the coming months that will sell for $249 - $999 depending on the final product.

In the meantime, I am offering you The Guide for pennies on the dollar.

It's my way of getting it into the hands of as many people as possible.

The more people I can help, the more fulfilling this project is.

And if you know me (which chances are you don't) you know that I love helping people, and I love spending time on things that I love. The Essential Quick Start Guide To Hiring Online Like A Seasoned Pro accomplishes both.

So, I encourage you to follow your gut and make this investment. It's only $29.50 for goodness sake.

If you are serious about hiring freelancers, then you do owe it to yourself to master the process as quickly as possible.

And if you feel I didn't deliver (meaning you don't learn a darn useful thing), then simply ask me for your money back. (Karen, my outsourced executive assistant in Toronto, Canada will refund your money.)

It's the honor system.

That's how I roll.

Click here to get your copy now.
© 2015 - 2017 Kristen Schuerlein Ferry & Mindset Mechanics Inc. All rights reserved. 
This site is not associated or endorsed by Guru®, Outsource® or Freelancer®. 
 The content offered on this site is intended for your personal use only. Teaching this material, or any form of distribution without permission violates our copyright. Please respect our rights.
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